
withered shoots Learn more about withered shoots

  • Prevention and control of citrus anthracnose with withered leaves and withered shoots

    Prevention and control of citrus anthracnose with withered leaves and withered shoots

    Prevention and control of citrus anthracnose with withered leaves and withered shoots

  • How to treat the withered shoot disease of camellia

    How to treat the withered shoot disease of camellia

    Camellia is also known as camellia. Camellias have varying degrees of red, purple, white, yellow flowers, and even color striped camellias, and flower branches can reach up to 4 meters. Today, I would like to introduce to you how to treat the withered shoot disease of camellia. 1. How to treat the withered shoot disease of camellia

    2020-11-08 Camellias withered shoots diseases how cure camellias and famous mountains. yes.
  • What is the control method of shoot blight of Larix principis-rupprechtii?

    What is the control method of shoot blight of Larix principis-rupprechtii?

    Larix principis-rupprechtii shoot blight is a serious disease in Larix principis-rupprechtii forest and one of the forestry quarantine pests in China, so what is the control method of Larix principis-rupprechtii shoot blight? 1. Symptoms of Larix principis-rupprechtii shoot blight the disease only occurred in the new year.

    2020-11-09 North China Larix gmelinii withered shoot disease control method what is it
  • How to control the gummy disease of mango shoot

    How to control the gummy disease of mango shoot

    What is mango shoot withered gum disease? Is there any way to carry out effective prevention and control? The gummy disease of mango shoot mainly harms the shoot and trunk, causing it to wither, but it can also harm seedlings and fruits. Most of the damage to the seedlings appeared dark-brown necrotic spots from the bud contact or wound, which quickly developed up and down, resulting in scion necrosis. ...

  • Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Citrus

    Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Citrus

    Control techniques of Diseases and insect pests in Citrus

  • Control of gum blight on the shoot of planted mango

    Control of gum blight on the shoot of planted mango

    The gummy disease of mango shoot mainly harms the shoot and trunk, causing it to wither, but it can also harm seedlings and fruits. Most of the damage to the seedlings appeared dark-brown necrotic spots from the bud contact or wound, which quickly developed up and down, resulting in scion necrosis. Damage to trunk or shoot, cortex

    2020-11-08 Species mango shoot blight glue flow disease control gum flow
  • Stand alone and stand upright-- the culture method of cedar

    Stand alone and stand upright-- the culture method of cedar

    Stand alone and stand upright-- the culture method of cedar

  • Four common diseases and insect pests of bamboo are introduced, and the causes and symptoms of bamboo diseases and insect pests are explained.

    Four common diseases and insect pests of bamboo are introduced, and the causes and symptoms of bamboo diseases and insect pests are explained.

    There are many diseases of bamboo. What kind of diseases and insect pests do you know? Let's take a look at the following common diseases and insect pests. What kind of disease is it? 1. Rust pathogen: Dasturelle divina English name: antirust common name: red mushroom bamboo rust is

    2019-04-30 Bamboo diseases and insect pests common four kinds introduction hair raw cause and
  • Diseases and insect pests of growing mango control of horizontal tail leaf moth

    Diseases and insect pests of growing mango control of horizontal tail leaf moth

    (1) the harm is also called heart-drilling worm. It is common in mango producing areas and is an important pest of mango. The young worms eat the tender shoots and spikes, causing the tender shoots or spikes to wither or grow weak. (2) morphological characteristics of adult body length 11mm, wingspan 23mm. The back is dark brown and the ventral face is grayish white.

    2020-11-08 Species mango pest fruit horizontal line tail leaf moth control
  • Rhododendron gall disease

    Rhododendron gall disease

    Symptoms: it can harm the twigs, shoots and leaves of rhododendron. After the injury of the leaf, the margin or the whole leaf was swollen and hypertrophic, showing tumor-like or hemispherical fleshy gall. After the twig was damaged, it also swelled and thickened into fleshy galls, affecting the shoot. After the flower is damaged, the white powdery mildew layer appears on the petal surface or depression, that is, the seed layer of the pathogen. In the later stage, the galls turned brown and withered and fell off. Pathogens and disease status: pathogens: hemispherical epidiomycetes Exobasidiumhemisphaer-icumShirai, basidiomycetes subphylum, stromatomycetes, exophytes

  • High grafting and replacement method of mango

    High grafting and replacement method of mango

    First, before preparing to change the species, it is necessary to strengthen the fertilizer and water management of the changed trees. Prune the aboveground parts properly and remove diseased, withered, shady and overdense branches. Cross branches should be cut off; for perennial trees, the main and side branches should be sawed off at 1.2-1.5 meters above the ground in spring and autumn (spring and autumn grafting, autumn saw grafting in the next spring).

  • Branch pruning management method of honeysuckle flower

    Branch pruning management method of honeysuckle flower

    Branch pruning management method of honeysuckle flower

  • Control techniques of pedicle borer in litchi

    Control techniques of pedicle borer in litchi

    Litchi fruit borer is the main pest of longan and litchi. The young shoot, flower ear and fruit were damaged by larva decay, the fruit fell seriously in the young fruit stage, was damaged in the mature stage, the fruit stem was full of insect dung, affected the quality, the tender shoot and flower ear were damaged, the apex withered, affected the growth of new shoots and blossomed and fruited in the following year. The insect occurred in southern Fujian.

  • Symptoms and control techniques of litchi stem borer

    Symptoms and control techniques of litchi stem borer

    Litchi fruit borer is the main pest of longan and litchi. The young shoot, flower ear and fruit were damaged by larva decay, the fruit fell seriously in the young fruit stage, was damaged in the mature stage, the fruit stem was full of insect dung, affected the quality, the tender shoot and flower ear were damaged, the apex withered, affected the growth of new shoots and blossomed and fruited in the following year. The insect occurred in southern Fujian.

  • What are the pests of camellias to be controlled?

    What are the pests of camellias to be controlled?

    What are the pests of camellias to be controlled? Please give a detailed introduction to the following pests of camellias: aphids [morphology and harm] aphids are divided into winged aphids and wingless aphids. Winged viviparous female aphid, transparent wings, dark brown body; wingless viviparous female aphid, wingless, dark brown body. In addition, if early appearance and adults.

  • Control methods of canker of Wo Citrus

    Control methods of canker of Wo Citrus

    Canker is one of the most common diseases of mandarin. To damage young leaves and immature fruits, it will usually lead to fallen leaves, fruit, and even withered shoots, reducing the tree potential. So what are the prevention and control methods of fertile orange canker? In fact, there are three main types of methods, namely

    2020-11-09 Fertile mandarin canker control methods yes mandarin the most
  • Identification and control of rose powdery mildew

    Identification and control of rose powdery mildew

    Symptoms: germs infect leaves, floral organs, tender shoots of rose, etc. In early spring, the leaves of the diseased buds are covered with white powder on both sides. The leaves shrunk and became thicker, and then gradually dried up and died, which became the source of primary infection. During the growing season, the leaves were infected, first appeared small white powder spots, then gradually expanded into round or irregular shaped white powder spots, and in severe cases, the white powder spots were connected to each other. When the young shoots and petioles fell ill, the disease spots increased slightly and the internodes shortened. The buds are covered with powdery layer, withered and withered. A lightly diseased bud

  • The planting method of asparagus

    The planting method of asparagus

    The planting method of asparagus

  • The latest planting method of asparagus

    The latest planting method of asparagus

    Asparagus is a vegetable that mainly eats the tender shoots of vines. By hearing its name, we can imagine that asparagus must have a beard like a dragon beard. This kind of vegetable is relatively rare in the market now, and many people are not very familiar with it, but

    2020-11-10 Most of all the new dragon asparagus planting method is a kind of
  • Which diseases and insect pests should be controlled when planting Fuchuan navel orange?

    Which diseases and insect pests should be controlled when planting Fuchuan navel orange?

    Which diseases and insect pests should be controlled when planting Fuchuan navel orange? Please give the introduction and control methods the following is the introduction and control methods of common diseases and insect pests of navel orange for reference: rust tick lice: during the young fruit stage from late May to early June, spraying began when there were 5 insects on the fruit surface and sprayed once every 15 days.
